Thursday, January 19, 2012

Today on the Hill

After not being in session for almost a month, the House of Representatives came back to DC for all of two days and Members of Congress will now be heading back to their districts for the weekend. All in all, there were a few hearings, they elected a new Sergeant-at-Arms, and passed a resolution expressing opposition to the debt ceiling increase (which is largely symbolic as it doesn't stand a chance in the Senate). So you don't think they did absolutely nothing during the past couple days, however, I will be posting a piece soon about a hearing held Financial Services Committee that focused on the Volker Rule.

It's also worth noting that while it wasn't an official event, the big news of the week was all of the opposition to SOPA and the online protests that took place yesterday. They lead to thousands of phone calls and emails being sent to Members of Congress and brought about some interesting changes. Although I've already written a post about how Bob Goodlatte remains one of SOPA's chief advocates despite all the public opposition, I'll be posting about Congressional reaction to the public opposition and what we can take away from all the online protests.

With all that in mind, and considering that Congress isn't in session today, some folks might find it rather interesting that NDN will be holding a luncheon today discussing a new paper that's been released entitled "The Employment Effects of Advances in Internet and Wireless Infrastructure: Evaluating the Transitions from 2G to 3G and from 3G to 4G." I think the title of the paper pretty much sums up what the panel discussion will talk about, but it should be interesting -- especially if they touch on some of the SOPA debate that's been taking place recently.

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