Friday, January 20, 2012

Brian Moran Responds to McDonnell's Endorsement of MItt Romney

As Mitt Romney appears to be wrapping up the Republican nomination and Bob McDonnell is one of the people being mentioned as a potential VP candidate, it shouldn't be too surprising that McDonnell finally came around to publicly supporting Romney. Brian Moran wanted to make sure Virginians were aware of this, however, and sent out the following statement that highlighted how Romney still refuses to fully release his tax returns.

"Governor McDonnell's endorsement of Mitt Romney should come as no surprise," said Democratic Party of Virginia Chairman Brian Moran. "After all, both men believe in an economy that benefits the wealthy, gives corporations handouts and tax loopholes while letting Wall Street write their own rules - all while cutting vital programs make middle class families sacrifice even more than they already have. We've seen McDonnell slash funding for schools, Medicaid, Medicare, and long-term care while leaving the middle class holding the bag - sure sounds like a Romney supporter to us."

"The timing of today's endorsement is no accident. Mitt Romney is desperate to change the subject after what the media called his "very bad night in Charleston" where the best answer he could come up with when asked if he'd release his tax returns was "maybe." He can try to change the subject all he wants, but Virginia voters see what's obvious: Mitt Romney plays by a different set of rules than everyone else."

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