Monday, January 2, 2012

Video: Eric Cantor on 60 Minutes

It was quite interesting watching the online reaction to Eric Cantor's in-depth interview with 60 Minutes yesterday. Almost all of the reaction I saw agreed that he came off horribly -- Lowell over at Blue Virginia even suggested that "his press secretary should be fired, immediately, for wildly unprofessional behavior."

Perhaps the most notable part of the interview was that he claimed that the tendency of Jewish Americans to vote Democratic is the "bane of my existence." I also couldn't help but laugh when Cantor talked about how he's willing to cooperate with Democrats in Congress and President Obama. It was him, after all, that walked out of budget negotiations when Obama wouldn't cave in to ALL of his demands and frequently backtracks on promises he made during talks between the parties. I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem like behavior of someone who's willing to cooperate with his Democratic colleagues.

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