Thursday, January 5, 2012

One Year Anniversary of GOP Taking Over House, Where are the Jobs?

During the 2010 election, the Republicans kept telling the American people that they would focus on job creation if they were elected. Well, today's the one year anniversary of the GOP taking over in the House and I have one question -- where are the jobs?

It looks like I'm not the only one with that question because Steny Hoyer (the Democratic whip) sent out a statement today highlighting how the Republicans STILL don't "have a comprehensive jobs plan" and have decided to focus on their own partisan agenda. Just in case the GOP decides to put partisanship aside, however, Hoyer did call on them to join the Democrats in their effort to spur job creation (through programs like the Make It In America plan) while also reducing the deficit.

Here's the text of Hoyer's full statement:

“One year ago today, Republicans took control of the House of Representatives and promised to focus on job creation. But one year later, we’ve witnessed the least productive session of Congress in recent years. Republicans still do not have a comprehensive jobs plan and have not taken meaningful action to reduce the deficit in a big, balanced way. Instead of debating and voting on jobs bills like House Democrats’ Make It In America plan, the House Republican leadership walked away from the American people and focused on an ideological and partisan agenda that had nothing to do with getting Americans back to work. They brought us to the brink of shutdown and default. They held hostage a tax cut for middle class families and unemployment insurance benefits for Americans who lost jobs through no fault of their own. And they have, through their actions, increased the uncertainty faced by working families trying to plan for the future and by businesses waiting to expand and hire.

“As we begin a new year, I urge Republicans to change course and work with Democrats to create jobs, to reach a big, balanced plan to reduce the deficit, and to restore the American dream.”

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